BTC pneumatic tooth clutch can be used for power transmission, it is also can be applied in the mechanical hand for joint part locking and fixing stably. It is driven by air pressure, so after inputting air source, this BTC brake connected for robot arm orientation, when exhausting air source, this BTC brake will release and joint part working continously.
In above usage case, pneumatic tooth clutch is reverse installation to be worked as a normal release brake for joint part locking. Tooth and tooth connection is fast and without slippage, it can make joint part fixed strongly for orientation or stop. In these working situation, BTC tooth brake's function is the same with CBM pneumatic gear brake, it is special made for robotics or aerospace. It is delivery of low-speed motive power, crusher, conveyor, automated machine and etc., especially precisely positioned and are highly weight-optimized and energy-efficient at the same time.
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